Royal jelly
7 Health Benefits Of Honey That Could Heal Your Whole Body U.S. Honey Crops and Markets Honey contains a treasure chest of hidden nutritional and medicinal value for centuries. |
Honey crops in the Midwest, Northeast and Mideast ended up being a lot better than many had forecast earlier in the season. This optimistic late season honey crop assessment has come from a number of sources and will help make up for some of the short crops in California, the Southeast and the Southwest. Beekeepers have been busy finishing up their extracting, mite treatments, and other beeyard work |
This varies according to the honey source, but all varieties are nutrient rich. All Honeys contain: Simple Sugars: glucose and fructose (monosaccharides), which can pass directly into the blood stream without being processed by the body. |
In my participation of health forums, the misconception of sugar and the negative perception of honey surface from time to time. Here's a typical ranting from supposedly health-conscious netizens: |
Precious Anti Aging Skin Care Tips with Honey Concoct your own favourite beauty treats at home using honey pampering, anti aging skin care masks that give your skin the nourishing and relaxing effect. The beauty of homemade face masks is that fresh raw ingredients are used and no additives and preservatives are added. |
Food Myths Debunked: Honey is Better than White Sugar Because it is Natural It’s no secret that white sugar is a food you should consume sparingly, but is honey a healthier sweet option? Honey may be less refined and more natural than white sugar, but honey is still high in calories. Overall, honey is perhaps only slightly healthier than white sugar. |